Green up your life Tour
Information on the tour
Experience sustainability: With tour Green up your life tour
Experience sustainability: On the sustainability tour at Grüne Woche, visitors can experience how climate protection, the circular economy and sustainable agriculture are shaping our future.
entire day
Recommended entrances:
- South Entrance
S Messe Süd - Hall 27
S Messe Süd
Ticket recommendation:
- Day ticket
16,00 EUR
- Organic hall (22a)
- Event Farm(3.2)
- Green up your life (27)
- Hall 7.2c
- Hall 23

What you can expect
Sustainability is more than just a trend - it is the key to a future worth living. On this tour, visitors can experience what sustainable solutions for food, agriculture and consumption look like in practice. From interactive hands-on activities to innovative ideas, the tour offers exciting insights into sustainable living.
Focus on sustainability: Hall 27
The tour starts at the Center for Sustainability in Hall 27. Under the motto “Climate Workshop. Together for a good life”, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) will show how we can meet the challenges of climate change. At a digital data table, visitors can test the impact of adaptation measures and observe how soils store water.
One highlight is the “Green Kitchen Live” cooking show on January 19 from 12:00 to 12:30, which will demonstrate how sustainable cooking works with fresh, plant-based ingredients. There will be tasty recipes for guests to try out and cook themselves.
There will also be workshops on organic farming, spreads made from pulses and kitchen cheese. If you fancy sustainable fashion, you can be inspired by the “Circular City” project, which presents creative ways to save textiles. Other highlights include the upcycling workshops and the Re-Use Superstore, which offer creative ideas for reuse.
Diversity from the field to the plate: Hall 23
The exhibition continues in Hall 23a, where the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) shows how sustainable nutrition works. Visitors can avoid food waste in everyday life, improve their own carbon footprint when cooking and learn about innovative technologies for weed control. A talking fridge provides information on how to store food correctly and the salt content of food is tested in an interactive game.
Global food security: Hall 7.2c
The stand of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Hall 7.2c is dedicated to global food security. At interactive stations, visitors can find out how fair and environmentally friendly farming methods can combat hunger and create food security. Visitors who are keen to experiment can try protein-rich insects, which are considered a sustainable alternative to meat. The interactive climate dome takes them to Madagascar, a country particularly affected by climate change, in a 360-degree film using VR glasses. See, hear, smell and feel - the climate dome allows you to experience the heat, the wind, the dry soil and the livestock with almost all your senses.
Experience organic up close in the Organic Hall: Hall 22a
Hall 22a is all about organic products and sustainable innovations. Visitors can find out about Berlin's food strategy, try regional specialties and get to know sustainable start-ups. The “Being Organic in EU” campaign invites visitors to sample organic delicacies and immerse themselves in the world of organic farming using virtual reality goggles.
Event Farm: Hall 3.2
The tour ends in Hall 3.2 at the Event Farm. Here, visitors can experience how modern agriculture works and which innovations are already being used today. The Event Farm invites visitors to find out more about the origins of our food. Agricultural scouts are on hand to answer questions and provide insights into their work. Visitors can collect AdventureTalers at interactive stations and collect refreshments at the rest area.