Veranstalter / Organizers:
Messe Berlin Website
Datum der Veranstaltung:
16-25 Jan 2026
Green Week
16-25 Jan 2026
This is a banner that lists the various focal points of the theme world Green up your life. These are also described in the text

Nowadays, green is synonymous with a sustainable, health-promoting lifestyle, a conscious use of food and resources. How are the needs of the present satisfied without limiting the possibilities of future generations. The desire for more transparency, more regionality and seasonality, production and processing under environmentally friendly, animal-friendly and socially fair aspects are the focus of the exhibitors and their products and services in our theme world Green up your life. Get information and suggestions on where and how to start living green.

Volunteering and supply security

We want to provide a platform for technical/humanitarian supply assurance and volunteer initiatives. Without the numerous full-time and voluntary helpers, many projects and initiatives would simply not be possible. In voluntary work, we stand together for social togetherness, for a society in which there is room for everyone. The challenges posed by environmental influences and social processes increasingly call for assistance and support measures, intensive coordination and the interlocking of many specialists. Get an idea of the diversity of tasks!

Climate and nature conservation

Climate and species crises are directly related and can only be solved together. Intact ecosystems are natural climate protectors and provide important habitats for plants and animals. The importance of various ecosystems such as forests, oceans, soils and moors, urban nature, but also rivers and lakes are highlighted here. Get tips from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), among others, on what each individual can do to protect ecosystems.

Circular economy and zero waste

Here we offer the platform to a diverse target group dedicated to the principle of "reuse instead of throw away":

  • Companies involved in renewable forms of energy, resource conservation and avoidance in the broadest sense, from production facilities to energy consultants for the consumer and the consumer.
  • Idea providers and implementation forms of re-use, zero-waste, recycling and upcycling in the food, garden and household sectors.
  • Household products without plastic, CO2 and chemicals, reuse of waste, environmentally friendly packaging, e.g. from agricultural residues, reusable systems to avoid disposable products.

Wood as a multi-talent

Foresters show examples of sustainable forestry and forest management, innovative companies inform about efficient wood processing. Let us show you how versatile the raw material wood can be used and what climate-friendly and CO2-reducing advantages building and heating with wood offers. Our presentation "Multitalent Holz" is looking forward to you!

Renewable raw materials

Visitors to the stand of the Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. - FNR) can experience a modern life that makes careful use of nature and its resources.

In the bioeconomy, plant-based raw materials from the fields and forests replace petroleum and the like, thus making a significant contribution to climate protection and security of supply. You can also find out what the bioeconomy looks like in practice and which products are already all made from renewable raw materials at Green up your life.

Forest, game, hunting, nature

Habitats and refuges of our native wildlife continue to decline. Causes are the growing agricultural landscape and habitat fragmentation, but also the increase of predators. The hunters will provide you with information about the field habitat as well as the variety and necessities of hunting.

Organic Farming / Organic Hall "Organic - More space for life".

German organic farming associations and certified German organic producers will present their new creations and provide information on all things organic. The Federal Program for Organic Agriculture (BÖL) will enliven the organic hall with a diverse stage program. Taste, smell, experience BIO!

Here you will find organically produced foods, dietary products, herbs and medicinal plants, e.g. from Demeter, Bioland, Naturland and their partners as well as producers and manufacturers who are certified in accordance with EU legislation and, where applicable, the respective association guidelines.

Explore our Green up your life exhibitors on your own!

Cover Sheet Green up your life Tour

Our tours offer you the opportunity to explore the fair at your own pace. Simply download the tour, print it out or have it on your mobile and your adventure can begin!