Veranstalter / Organizers:
Messe Berlin Website
Datum der Veranstaltung:
17-26 Jan 2025
International Green Week
17-26 Jan 2025

Green professions - close to nature, versatile, solid

A knack for personnel: headhunter Brigitte Schwalen helps agricultural professionals find their dream job.

The personnel agency AgroBrain, the career portal of the "Agrarzeitung", currently has a database of around 3,500 job seekers. For more than eleven years, the job exchange has been placing vacancies for specialists in the sale of animal feed or in crop production, speakers in the political agricultural sector, farm managers, managing directors, laboratory staff and agricultural machinery mechatronics technicians. AgroBrain thus covers all professions in the upstream and downstream trades of the agricultural industry.

Brigitte Schwalen has been working for AgroBrain in the role of headhunter for three years. In this role, she searches for employees for jobs in various countries in Europe. With an impressive hit rate of around 75 percent, the former board secretary and marketing specialist has now made a name for herself. She herself also lives on a farm.

"I can put myself in employers' shoes very well and understand what know-how an applicant should have."

Headhunter Brigitte Schwalen

headhunter Brigitte Schwalen helps agricultural professionals find their dream job

Combination of office work & on-site support

Brigitte Schwalen, for example, was firmly convinced that Friedrich Brinkmann was just the right sales representative for Belgian seed grower SESVanderHave. With an agricultural apprenticeship in his background, the 27-year-old studied agricultural sciences and specialized in the field of agribusiness. He also brings extensive business and agricultural knowledge that qualifies him for the position.

"My duties consist of a mix of office work and on-site support for farmers. I advise them on which sugarbeet varieties are suitable for them or look for a solution to optimize their sugarbeet cultivation. In total, I look after around 1,500 customers within a radius of around 200 kilometers," explains Friedrich Brinkmann, who has been working for the company for two years.

In the evenings and at weekends, the sales employee supports his parents on the farm. During harvest time, he takes time off. Friedrich Brinkmann greatly appreciates his varied and communicative job.

"You have to be very flexible with your time, but in return I'm out in nature a lot and can pursue my interest in plants and soils."

At some point, he would like to take over his parents' farm as his main occupation. "But the political situation is so uncertain for farmers in Germany that I'm glad to have built up a second mainstay with the field job."

Friedrich Brinkmann Sales representative for the Belgian seed breeder

Friedrich Brinkmann Sales representative for the Belgian seed breeder SESVanderHave, Copyright: agrobrain_United Seed Growers

Meaningful profession with diverse tasks -sincere and solid

Lena Schlößer introduced Brigitte Schwalen to a sales position in the agricultural team of Emiko - a company that develops and sells products with effective microorganisms. These find application in the areas of health, household, garden and agriculture.

"Effective microorganisms come from nature and enable it to do again what it is so impressively good at. Effective microorganisms are used specifically in the production cycle in agriculture, for example, to promote healthy soil life or stabilize soil processes that have become imbalanced," says the agricultural scientist and crop production expert. The 27-year-old graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree from the University of Bonn.

Regardless of whether it is an organic or conventional farm, regenerative agriculture is becoming increasingly important in Germany. This is emphasized by the saleswoman, who also coordinates events such as field days, designs campaigns and prepares studies on behalf of her company.

"The serious interest in sustainable approaches to solutions in agriculture is increasing more and more," says Lena Schlößer. "I was keen to do something meaningful that I could use to support agricultural businesses."

She not only enjoys the diverse tasks, but also the honesty and down-to-earth nature of her professional environment.

"I am close to agriculture and witness what makes it tick and where the challenges lie. This helps me see how to support the industry and do something for the next generation."

Lena Schlößer sales position in Emiko's agricultural team

Lena Schlößer sales position in Emiko's agricultural team, Copyright: agrobrain_United Seed Growers.

Agricultural sector shows multi-faceted field of tension

Dr. Christoph Hauser is an agricultural scientist and holds a doctorate in plant breeding. After working for 25 years as managing director of a seed company, Brigitte Schwalen suggested that he move to Vereinigte Saatzuchten Genossenschaft.

"I am attracted by the task of preparing the cooperative for the future, realigning the strategic development of the company nationally and internationally, and strengthening the traditional business, making it more efficient and profitable," explains the managing director of Vereinigte Saatzuchten eG.

The 59-year-old aims to expand the traditional seed trading business by integrating it into the energy sector in order to develop an additional business in this way. "In addition to their traditional production of crops, milk or meat, agricultural businesses have often built up another mainstay such as selling their products in a farm store or producing energy. I have the latter in mind with renewable energy." The agricultural industry offers an environment where variety is a lifelong promise.

"Whether it's crop production, meat production, managing employees or dealing with political regulations, the industry offers a multi-faceted field of tension," explains Dr. Hauser.

"Due to the complexity and the many uncertain components affecting agriculture, such as climate change, new job profiles are constantly emerging. Plant technologists are one example. They deal with breeding and improving crops. To this end, they plan field trials and test series, carry them out and document work steps and results on a PC. The profession makes a significant contribution to breeding progress and improving the performance of our regional crops, thereby strengthening agriculture," he explains. "When I reach retirement age, I would like to become a farmer. Working with nature while managing business management systems is my passion."

Dr. Christoph Hauser Managing Director Vereinigte Saatzuchten Genossenschaft

Dr. Christoph Hauser Managing Director Vereinigte Saatzuchten Genossenschaft, Copyright: agrobrain_Vereinigte Saatzuchten

This article and more information on the topic of "green careers" can be found on the website and in the magazine Stadt.Land.Wissen of our cooperation partner Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft at

Author:Daniela Breitschaft

Regional, Rural areas

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