Veranstalter / Organizers:
Messe Berlin Website
Datum der Veranstaltung:
17-26 Jan 2025
International Green Week
17-26 Jan 2025

How Lithuania tastes

Lithuania is presenting itself at the International Green Week 2023 with handmade products from its own production. Guests can sample traditional pastries and fruit products.

The aroma of freshly baked tree cakes wafts through Hall 8.2. The crispy Šakotis pastry is one of Lithuania's national dishes and is served especially at birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. The gorgeous cakes can be over a meter high. At the International Green Week (IGW), guests will have the opportunity to taste still-warm pieces of the freshly baked dessert.

But that's not all: local producers have also brought meat and sausage from wild elk, deer or rabbit, as well as smoked and fried cheese with and without herbs, to IGW 2023. The traditional apple cheese is also something for vegans, because its main ingredient is thickened apple juice. With sugar and cinnamon, it becomes a natural sweet that is remotely reminiscent of gummy bears. Sea buckthorn juice and fruit spreads are also among Lithuania's culinary treasures. Honey wine also has a long tradition. The Susves Midus company offers it in various flavors.

For Antanas Venckus, head of the International Affairs and Export Promotion Department at the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture, IGW is a good opportunity to present his country's products to a broad public. "The fertile soils in the country and the climate offer the best conditions for agriculture, especially for growing natural and organic foods," he says.

Lithuania exports more than 50 percent of its agricultural yields abroad, be it dairy products, meat, grain, fruit or vegetables. Germany is the most important market for the Baltic state within the European Union. Small and medium-sized farms in particular will be presenting themselves at the IGW. "They combine traditional production methods with new technologies and innovation. The result is very high-quality products that satisfy the demands of various consumers, especially those interested in healthy products," emphasizes Antanas Venckus and invites all IGW guests to see for themselves in Hall 8.2, Stand 102.

A woman with latvian baking goods.

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